Best Bathmate Pump for Beginners – Gain Girth and Length

Are you Beginner who want to increase girth and length of penis? Read this in-depth analysis to buy best bathmate hydro pump that suits your size.

Bathmate is the leading water-based pump for enhancing the length and girth of penis. It is the leading brand in the market offering a number of models for different groups of people. All the models of Bathmate are effective in enlarging a dick. beginners bathmate pump

However, there is need to pick the right model to experience the best results. This is because all these models are meant for people of different penis sizes. Again, the experience of using Bathmate devices should also determine the kind of a pump one chooses.

Bathmate Size Comparison to Gain Length and Girth

Whenever choosing your Bathmate pump as newbie, you should consider the size of your penis. This will help you get the best device that will help you increase the length and girth effectively. Here is a chart that will help you choose the best Bathmate pump for your penis size.

PS: Kindly note that the indicated penis size is for an erect dick.

1.) Hydromax X20 (small size)

It has some of the best features for men who want to increase the size of their penis. Bathmate X20 is a little bit smaller and suitable for men with penis inch of 5.5 inches or less with a girth under 1.5inches. It is the smallest in the Bathmate range of pumps.

2.) Hydromax X20 Xtreme (small size)

It is the same size as the X20 just that it includes a hand ball and all the accessories that you will need. This one is better for beginners since it has every accessory needed to keep the pump in good shape. The size recommendations are the same as those of X20 Xtreme.

3.) Bathmate Hercules (medium size)

This is an average pump ideal for men with an erect penis length of up to 7.5” and a girth of 2”. The pump is reliable and very economical. Hercules dimensions are 16 x 5 x 5 in and weight is 3lbs. It is available in Blue, Red and Clear colors

4.) Hydromax X30 (medium size)

It has the same size recommendations as the Hercules. However, it is preferred because of the many features it brings on the table. It has a number of features that makes it ideal for beginners with an average penis size. Therefore, beginners of an average penis size should go for this pump.

5.) Hydromax X30 Xtreme (medium size)

This is also the same as other medium-sized pumps but much better because it has hand ball pump and accessories attached to it. Of course, x30 Xtreme is the most preferred option for beginners because of the handful accessories included.

6.) Hydromax X40 (Above Average size)

This is a large penis pump that accommodates men with erect penis above 7.5 inches. It is almost 15% bigger than x30 and offers all the benefits that Hercules can do. A Hydromax x40 weight is 0.7lbs and dimensions are 9.84 x 2.59 x 9.84 in. It is too available in three color variants.

7.) Hydromax X50 (Large size)

It is the largest Bathmate penis pump. Hydromax X50 is suitable for men with 9.0” penis. If you have a large penis size and would still want to make it even larger, you can try this device.

Which is Best Bathmate Model for Beginners

Beginners should always start with comfortable models. The first consideration is the size. Since newbies are of varied penis sizes, it is important to find a suitable penis pump based on their sizes as discussed in the chart above.

In regards to model, the Xtreme models are the best for beginners compared to the regular ones like Goliath, and Hecules. This is because they have a hand ball pump and accessories that help in enhancing the efficiency of the penis pumps. Therefore, it is better for them to use such before they are accustomed to the ways of using the regular Bathmate pumps.


It is evident that Bathmate has a number of options that suits men of different penis sizes. Therefore, there is no excuse for not using a Bathmate pump. Furthermore, its effectiveness in increasing the size of a man’s penis should be the sole motivation for using it.

Originally posted 2018-01-18 09:36:26.

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