Are you facing valve problem in your hydro pump? Find best way to replace bathmate x30 valve. The Bathmate is the leading male enhancement pump in the market. This device works to help many men increase their penis size in a natural way. The benefits of Hydromax are endless with many people having recorded positive reviews.
However, just like any other product, there are some issues users of Bathmate face. One of the most common problems is the Valve problem. There are many valve-related problems. We will look at these problems and their solutions.
Common Bathmate Valve Problems
Here are some of the common problems you could be having with your Bathmate valve:
Out of alignment: ideally, the lever of the valve should be in the central position when not being used. However,you may find that your release valve is out of alignment when locked. It can leads to penis pump injury.
This problem is mainly because of locking the valve to either the right or left side for a long time. This causes the imbalance.
Sucking the balls: Another probable problem of the valve is sucking the balls. It may such the balls or dig in pubic skin. As a result of this, pumping becomes hard because of the pain associated with the pain.
This is why the new Hydromax series X30 and X40 have introduced a comfort pad that helps reduce the occurrence of this problem. The pad included in removable and you can take it off and still use the pump.
These two are some of the common Bathmate valve problems. Such problems may appear negligent but are a great issue if not addressed. If you want to enjoy the maximum efficiency of Bathmate pump, you need to work on these problems.
The best solution for a faulty Bathmate valve is replacing it. [bathmate results after 6 months]
How to Replace Bathmate X30 Valve?
There are a set of steps that you should follow if you want to replace Bathmate X30 valve. Here are the steps:
- Step 1: The first thing is to remove the grey insert comfort pad
- Step 2: After removing the pad, you should then fill the pump with water and then pump it to seal using a smooth surface object like a beaker or a cup
- Step 3: Hold the pump vertically and give it around 5 seconds for the water to settle. The seal has to be airtight. You will know it is airtight if there are no bubbles in the pump
- Step 4: rotate the pump at a 180-degree position i.e. turns it upside down. Ensure there no bubbles in the pump
- Step 5:once you have tested the seal and the O-RING, expel the remaining air inside the pump
- Step 6:to expel the remaining air outside, just hold the neck of the pump and press it towards the gaiter
- Step 7:check for bubbling again
- Step 8: You will know your valve is faulty if you press the pip inward and the bubbles stop. You will need to replace your valve.
- Step 9: twist the valve head to clear any obstructions. Alternatively, remove the valve and replace it with a new one.
You can always contact Bathmate support to help you replace your valve. [bathmate vs regular pump]
The Bathmate X30 valve is an accessory available on the official website. When you buy from the official site, you will get the best price and free guidance on how to replace it.
Originally posted 2018-07-05 05:54:48.
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